Given the recent escalation of the Syrian refugee crisis, Salam Neighbor is a timely addition to the TEEN SCREEN films roster. In Salam Neighbor, two young filmmakers seek to understand the human side of this contemporary issue by living among 85,000 Syrians in Jordan’s Za’atari refugee camp, seven miles from the Syrian border. This film provides insights into the refugee crossing process, entry into Jordan, initial aid upon arrival, registration, setting up a “home” in the camp, coping with the transition, and living there long-term. By focusing on five Syrian refugees, the themes and storylines are brought to life in a gripping and personal way, exposing students to a reality they may not have considered.
Theme: Human Rights/Social Action
Sub-themes: Refugee Experience, Cultural Awareness, Resilience, Collaboration, Human Dignity, Women’s Roles, Personal Growth and Development