Award Winners

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Jury Award Winners

Best Animated Short

Wander to Wonder
Directed by Nina Gantz
Juror: Mariana Méndez

Best Documentary Short

Makayla's Voice: A Letter to the World
Directed by Julio C. Palacio
Juror: Greg Sorvig

Best Narrative Short

The Ugly Chickens
Directed by Mark Raso
Juror: Sherise Dorf, Callie Bloehm, & Christopher Ewing

Programmers' Choice Winner

The Gangsta Gardener
Directed by Rocky Romano, Miranda Winters

Feeling Fabulous Winner

Directed by Stephanie Kaznocha

Audience Award Winners

Best All Ages Short

Tabby McTat
Directed by Jac Hamman & Sarah Scrimegeour

Best Chiller Theater Short

Hide Your Crazy
Directed by Austin Kase

Best Student Short

Directed by Linus von Stumberg

Best Local Short

The Clog
Directed by Caleb Porto

Best Comedy Short

Jane Austen's Period Drama
Directed by Julia Aks & Steve Pinder

Best Animated Short

On the 8th Day
Directed by Agathe Sénéchal, Alicia Massez, Elise Debruyne, Flavie Carin, Théo Duh

Best Documentary Short

The Ocean – Five Years
Directed by Jennifer Schlieper

Best Narrative Short

Room Taken
Directed by TJ O’Grady-Peyton

Best Overall Short

Jane Austen's Period Drama
Directed by Julia Aks & Steve Pinder


Jury Award Winners

Best Animated Short

Rosemary A.D. (After Dad)
Directed by Ethan Barrett
Juror: Ida Melum

Best Documentary Short

Creating Things
Directed by Bryan Simpson, Taylor Simpson
Juror: Njaimeh Njie

Best Narrative Short

Paris 70
Directed by Dani Feixas Roca
Juror: Sharon Badal

Programmers' Choice Winner

Dear Owner
Directed by Jonathan Coleman

Audience Award Winners

Best Overall Short

Paris 70
Directed by Dani Feixas Roca

Best Narrative Short

Directed by Timothy Blackwood

Best Documentary Short

A Chocolate Lens
Directed by Gabriel Veras

Best Animated Short

Rosemary A.D. (After Dad)
Directed by Ethan Barrett

Best Comedy Short

They Grow Up so Fast
Directed by John F. Beach

Best Local Short

The Art of Weightlessness
Directed by Moshe Mahler

Best Student Short

Blue Hour
Directed by J.D. Shields

Best Chiller Theater Short

Get Away
Directed by Michael Gabriele

Best All Ages Short

The Missing Piece
Directed by Luis Madrid


Jury Award Winners

Best Narrative

An Irish Goodbye
Directed by Tom Berkeley & Ross White
Juror: Maria Brendle

Best Documentary

Lalito 10
Directed by Jordan Matthew Horowitz
Juror: Brian Broome

Best Animated

Night of the Living Dread
Directed by Ida Melum
Juror: Linda Simensky

Programmers' Choice Winner

Directed by Dania Bdeir

Audience Award Winners

Best Overall

North Star
Directed by P.J. Palmer

Best Narrative

Directed by Tara Westwood

Best Documentary

Directed by Paige Morrow Kimball

Best Animated

Night of the Living Dread
Directed by Ida Melum

Best Comedy

The One Who Never Watched Friends
Directed by Charlotte Gabris

Best Specialty

Directed by Antonio Marziale

Best Local

You Are, I Am
Directed by Dan Counihan

Best Student

Directed by Michael Lazovsky

Best Chiller Theater

Sprite Fright
Directed by Matthew Luhn

Best All Ages

Father, Son, and the Beach
Directed by Chieh-Huei Hsu


Jury Award Winners

Best Narrative

The Ephemeral
Directed by Jorge Muriel
Juror: Kristen Bedno

Best Documentary

The Box
Directed by James Burns, Shal Ngo
Juror: Mridu Chandra

Best Animated

Souvenir Souvenir
Directed by Bastien Dubois
Juror: Mia Olufemi

Programmers' Choice Winner

RESIST: The Resistance Revival Chorus
Directed by Susan O'Brien

Audience Award Winners

Best Overall

Directed by Susan Béjar

Best Narrative

Over My Dead Body
Directed by Meital Cohen Navarro

Best Documentary

Say His Name: Five Days for George Floyd
Directed by Cy Dodson

Best Animated

Directed by Hugo Caby, Antoine Dupriez, Aubin Kubiak, Lucas Lermytte, Zoé Devise

Best Comedy

The Treatment
Directed by Álvaro Carmona

Best Specialty

Directed by Caleb Slain

Best Local

Project Chick
Directed by Gregory Scott Williams, Jr.

Best Student

Refrigerate After Opening
Directed by Kevin Ung

Best Chiller Theater

The Sale
Directed by Max Cianci

Best All Ages

Directed by Yibing Jiang
