Special Events

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Film Schmoozes

Join us for one of our famous Film Schmoozes! Film Schmooze is a casual post-film discussion, where you get to join in on the conversation.

  1. Cinema Sabaya Film Schmooze, led by Dr. Hilla Nehushtan, University of Pittsburgh | Saturday, April 29 at 2pm | McConomy Auditorium
  2. Reckonings Film Schmooze, led by Dr. Jonathan Zisook, University of Pittsburgh | Sunday, April 30 at 1pm | McConomy Auditorium


Filmmaker Q&As

This is your chance to hear visiting filmmakers tell behind-the-scenes stories about their film and to ask them questions!

  1. Finding Light | Sunday, April 23 at 4pm | The Oaks Theater
  2. The Cure for Hate | Tuesday, April 25 at 7pm | The Oaks Theater
  3. Jack L. Warner: The Last Mogul | Thursday, April 27 | The Oaks Theater

See the special guests

Bagel Brunch

Break bagels with us at the bagel brunch before the screening of Reckonings on Sunday, April 30, at 12pm! Stick around after the screening for the Film Schmooze.

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